This is a podcast series for entrepreneurs interested in expanding through learning and applying the management system discovered and developed by humanitarian, philosopher, and administrator, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard.

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Episode 46, Volume 2: Man’s Largest Fault
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
What is man’s largest and most unjust fault? This fault is the difference between success and failure in a business or a society, and its remedy is simple, even if it requires a little discipline. Unremedied, it will make your life hell, and might ruin a few other lives at the same time.

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
BONUS EPISODE: Back by Popular Demand -The Importance of Statistics
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
This is a very popular episode from last year’s series and is an introduction to the heart and soul of management using the Hubbard Management System. You cannot know too much about this subject, so don’t brush this off, especially since it is the perfect set up for a brand-new episode being brought to you in a couple of days.

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Episode 45, Volume 2: Warning Signs
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Maybe we can’t make you into an expert in data or statistical analysis in twenty minutes, but we can teach you the TWO major warning signs that are easily detected but all too often overlooked that will save you from disaster IF you know them and IF you heed them. Take twenty minutes to save yourself hundreds of hours of overwork saving the bacon when you could have brought it all under control BEFORE you had the problem.

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Episode 44, Volume 2: Getting People to Get Stuff Done
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
How do you get people to get stuff done? How do you get them into action and keep them at it till the job is done? How do you pull a team together that is going to work hard and effectively at the tough targets you set for them so that your group can expand and prosper? Some seem to have a knack for getting others to get things done, and for some, it is a weak point, but when you understand WHAT gets them moving, ANYBODY is going to get better at this.

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Episode 43, Volume 2: Success & Effective Art
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
If you think art has nothing to do with you as a business person or entrepreneur, you better listen to this episode. If art IS your business, then you better listen to this episode. In fact, just listen to this episode. You are about to discover an element to success that is almost completely neglected and unknown in modern culture.

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Episode 42, Volume 2: Hidden Dynamite
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
In this episode, we get to discuss the stick of dynamite, or several sticks of dynamite, hidden away in your business that are ready to go off at any moment and blow up your company or sink it into a deathly apathy. Very, very important stuff, seldom even mentioned by management “experts”, fully described with an 8 step handling.

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Episode 41, Volume 2: Setting the Record Straight on BE-DO-HAVE
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
You might think you know a thing or two about BE-DO-HAVE, or maybe you don’t. But there are a lot of guys running around claiming expertise on this subject, and they don’t know the half of it, not by far. This episode is not just vital to your business, it is utterly vital to your life. Make sure you listen to this one!

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Episode 40, Volume 2: Crime & Punishment
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
An interesting question: we want something done; it’s not getting done. How much duress do we apply? One of your employees messes up or is caught in some wrongdoing. Do we punish or repair? What is the balance- are we too nice to our people, too rough on our people? These are very important questions, and to answer them, you must first learn some fundamentals.

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Bonus Episode: Back by Popular Demand- How to Handle Any Situation
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
In our 100th Episode we outlined a “Checklist for Success”. We offered to send the listeners a written version, but we weren’t quite prepared for the response. We are polishing it up and we think you are going to find it very, very useful. Those of you who requested it will receive it within the next day or two. If you didn’t and still want a copy, email us at info@wiseeastus.org. But ALL of you should review this life-changing formula from Mr. Hubbard we presented over a year ago but is CRITICAL to getting the most out of ANYTHING we are presenting here! Make sure you listen to this week’s BONUS episode!

Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Episode 39, Volume 2: OUR 100th EPISODE, A CHECKLIST FOR SUCCESS
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Hard to believe but today we recorded our 100th Episode of BusinessWISE!! I want to thank all our listeners. Your emails and comments sharing your wins make what we are doing worthwhile and keep us motivated. To commemorate number 100, we recorded a double episode featuring a checklist of 28 items based on the works of Mr. Hubbard that if followed can’t help but make you and your business a howling success. Let us know what you think!