This is a podcast series for entrepreneurs interested in expanding through learning and applying the management system discovered and developed by humanitarian, philosopher, and administrator, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard.

Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Episode 3, Volume 2: Security & Investments
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
These are uncertain times. How do we achieve security? What investments guarantee our survival? Something a lot of people are thinking about right now. Make sure you listen to this episode before you make your decisions in these important areas.

Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Episode 2, Volume 2: Where Do Bad Conditions Come From?
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Are bad conditions just a part of life? Is it simply natural that things go bad unless propped up through the herculean efforts of a few? No, there is a source of bad conditions, and knowing what that source is will change your business and dramatically improve your life, and possibly even save it!

Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Episode 1, Volume 2: One Single Sentence
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
What if we told you that all the high points, the most vital and important elements in the creation and management of any group, could be covered in one single sentence? Would you believe us? Well, the sentence exists and is covered in this week’s episode. Listen and learn it well, and you are on your way to a whole new level of management skill.

Sunday Dec 27, 2020
Episode 61, Volume 1: The Future & Your Future
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
“The future looks bright.” “The future looks bleak.” Do you ever wonder how we so blithely describe something that hasn’t happened yet? Ever wonder if there is a way to predict and control the future? There is. Before you make your New Year’s postulates (somewhat more useful term than “resolution”), tune in to this week’s episode on “The Future”.

Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Episode 60, Volume 1: Trust & Betrayal
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
He has trust issues, or she has trust issues. We hear this. Betrayal- something we have all experienced at one point or another and swear we will learn a lesson from, and seldom do. But the word “trust” is such a beautiful word. We each, deep in our hearts, yearn to bestow it. Maybe we can if we understand it a bit better. Listen to this week’s episode and find out.

Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Episode 59, Volume 1: What is the Best Organization?
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
What makes an organization a GREAT organization? If you know what makes the BEST organization, you can compare your company or business against it and see what you need to work on. That’s what we dig into in this episode. Further, you will learn a new formula that can salvage any company, no matter it’s condition.

Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Episode 58, Volume 1: The Three Trouble Zones
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
There are many areas that can cause problems for an enterprise, but do you know what the three major ones are? Solving these solve a host of other situations that could be going on in your company, so pay close attention to this week's episode.

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Episode 57, Volume 1: The Magic Word
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
There is a concept that is so vital, upon it rests your success or failure with the Hubbard Management System, or anything for that matter. And that concept is expressed in one word- the MAGIC word, the one that if you duplicate it fully, nothing can stop you. Learn all about it in today’s episode.

Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Episode 56, Volume 1: Raising A Family / Growing a Business
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Have you ever considered how you can use what you are learning from the Hubbard management system to not only handle your business but other aspects of your life as well? Take raising a family. Sometimes growing a business seems a lot like raising a family and vice versa. With this episode, you are going to learn why and basic knowledge that will make you superlative in handling both.

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Episode 55, Volume 1: Power & Speed
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
The highest operating state in L. Ron Hubbard’s famous table of conditions is POWER. The more you understand it, the better able you are to attain it, in your business and in your life. In this episode you will learn a vital component you must be aware of and practice to get there, plus an assignment to help you along.