This is a podcast series for entrepreneurs interested in expanding through learning and applying the management system discovered and developed by humanitarian, philosopher, and administrator, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard.

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Episode 14, Volume 1: When you are in Danger
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
We have discussed what to do when your GROUP is in Danger in Episode 9, but how about when YOU are in Danger? There is another, precise, step by step formula you can execute to bring you out of that Danger and into a higher, more survival one. Let’s get started!

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Episode 13, Volume 1: Vital Data on Promotion
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Promotion looks complex. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. But one thing’s for sure, if you’re an entrepreneur, or if you want to be one, you better understand the fundamentals of it if you want to make it, and WE want you to make it! Tune in to this week’s podcast and learn the FUNDAMENTALS OF PROMOTION!!

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Episode 12, Volume 1: Complexity & Confronting
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
What seems complex to you? What puts you at effect? What do you have in your life you just cannot deal with? Taxes? Finances? Sales? Marketing? Employees? Family?
There is a common denominator and there is a common solution. Learn it.

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Episode 11, Volume 1, : Marketing & PR Defined
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
No one would disagree that PR and Marketing are two subjects VITAL to success in the business world. But do you know that most entrepreneurs cannot accurately define them? This makes them sitting ducks for “experts” to lead them all over the place with no results. In actual fact, if you just fully understand these terms, you will be well on your way to becoming an expert yourself!

Monday Mar 23, 2020
Episode 10, Volume 1: The Supreme Test
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
What is the supreme test of a being? How does one truly discover the men or women upon which one can depend, no matter what, and how does one measure up personally? Finally, what is the road one takes to pass that test, every time, with flying colors? This is the subject of this week's podcast.

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Episode 9, Volume 1: The Danger Formula
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
What is the handling for a steep plunge downwards in production or income? How about the roof caving in, or a house on fire? Such circumstances are called a DANGER CONDITION, and they are resolved through strict application of 6 steps, done in sequence. Find out what they are and how you can apply them.

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Episode 8, Volume 1: The Dangerous Environment
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Does the environment around you sometimes seem too much to bear? Too much bad news? Too much chaos? You have a weapon of your own that puts you at cause. Learn it in this week’s podcast.

Monday Mar 09, 2020
Episode 7, Volume 1: Communication & Finance
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
You are about to learn possibly the most critical fundamental there is on finance. Lack of an understanding of it can be quite painful, and it’s very, very unlikely your dad or anyone else ever went over it with you. That’s about to get handled.

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Episode 6, Volume 1: Gross Income Senior Datum
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
By popular demand, this week’s podcast is on INCOME! There’s a lot of data on the subject, but what is the SENIOR datum? You are about to find out.

Monday Feb 24, 2020
Episode 5, Volume 1: Dealing with People
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
People. If you're in business, you going to have to know how to deal with them. The better you are able to deal with them, the better your business is going to be. Listen to this podcast and pick up precise know-how about it from the Hubbard Management System.