This is a podcast series for entrepreneurs interested in expanding through learning and applying the management system discovered and developed by humanitarian, philosopher, and administrator, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Episode 4, Volume 1: An Expansion Formula
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
To EXPAND or not to EXPAND! That is the question. And if we are going to expand, is there a right way to do it? Is there a surefire formula for it? And can we do it without working ourselves to death and having no life? Sure there is. Listen to this week's episode: AN EXPANSION FORMULA.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Episode 3, Volume 1: Your Product
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
So when exactly is a product a PRODUCT? You might be surprised to find you have an incomplete definition of the term, and that missing piece is enough to make the difference between prosperity and hardship. In this episode, we take a look at the components of a product and give you tools to enhance your viability and the productivity of your staff. Listen in, find out & give us your feedback.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Episode 2, Volume 1: Outflow
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
No matter what you are doing in life and work, this episode features key data that are often confused, misapplied or misunderstood... What determines your inflow? Listen in to this podcast to get the answer.

Friday Jan 24, 2020
Episode 1, Volume 1: The First Lesson
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Whether you are a business owner or working for one, there is one vital thing you should know in order to break the barrier to success!